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Our Little Prince

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Reytto and Chockley

For a long time, i never approve baby and fury pets play together..
but... somehow.. unknowingly, these two little ones get together...
One wanted to be touched, the other cant wait to touch that fury little one.

Fury Chockley pretended to sit near Baby Reytto.
After a few second, it kept pushing her butt towards baby reytto,
nearer, and nearer.. wanting baby Reytto to stroke, sayang her...

What's this fury ticklish things?? Curiosity kills the cat?!
Eeee..... fury stuff..
Oops! Baby Reytto pull some of Chockley's fur....
*Ouch* .. It must be painful for Chockley
Ever since then, Chockley never stay near Baby Reytto anymore.
But mischievous Chockley still "steal" kisses from Reytto occasionally,
then she disappear very quickly.